
I had a chance to install these the other day and yesterday was my first ride with them and it’s time to do a little report.

My stock shocks had been ridden pretty hard and it’s no wonder that they were pretty much shot after 42K. I decided to give the Elka Suspension a shot as I’ve heard good things about them on this board and they were quite a bit cheaper than the competitors setup. The install was pretty easy. You will need a jack for sure but other than that no special tools are required. […]

As soon as I pulled out of the driveway I knew it was right or at least pretty close. No more side to side roll and the Spyder tracked so much better than it did with the stock shocks. This thing felt like it was on rails now. The rear shock didn’t need any adjustment that I could tell but I will play with that later just for fun.

I looked for every bump and pot hole I could find and hit them head on. The shocks soaked up the bumps great and I got to say I felt like I was riding a new Spyder, not new as in not old but new as in totally different than stock. I guess I should have done this a long time ago but I just didn’t want to cut loose with that much money not knowing if it was worth it or not.

I worked my way up on the twisties starting off slower than I normally run them and finishing off running much faster than I should of. The Spyder did great and I’m very happy with my investment. If I wind up with an RT this will be one of the first things I do to the front.

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For more information about Elka shocks for your own Spyder, please contact John Ilkiw at 1-800-557-0552 ext. 257.