After completing round 2 this past weekend, I wanted to give you some quick feedback on the Stage 5’s (front ones thus far) for Kyler’s Apex mini quad.  In Kyler’s words “I LOVEEEEEE them!”.  He was used to the Stage 3s and now he said that absolutely NOTHING compares to the Stage 5’s.  I can give you more specific details as time goes on, but we met with Erik from Elka and he adjusted them and Kyler raced 2 races on them.   He also commented that he felt like he could go faster with those because he knew the landings were better and that he wasn’t getting beat up as much. 


Just wanted to let you know what his first impression was, and now we can’t wait for the rear one to be done so he can have the whole package!  I guess Erik did mention something about having to adjust the front end differently for now….


Looking forward,


~Michelle Thau