Here is the race report from Elka Suspension UTV rider Hunter Miller, racing the 2018 GNCC Championship in UTV UXC1 class:
Round 2 of GNCC was a success. I’m leaving with a 3rd place overall and tied in points for 1st in the UXC1 championship. The course was hands down one of the toughest UTV courses I have ever raced. It had tons of option lines, deep sandy ruts, and huge whooped out straights. Simply navigating a lap without incident was an accomplishment.
The race certainly did not come without drama however. I got off to a second place start on row 1 of UXC1. About midway through the first lap I made the pass for the physical lead, however by this time Kyle Chaney and my brother Cody Miller were right behind us. The first time through the mud section, I elected a longer/safer route while Kyle and Cody went blazing through the deepest part of the hole making the pass on me. Soon after this, Kyle suffered mechanical issues moving Cody and I to 1-2 positions. We had an awesome battle for the lead passing each other back and forth. Going in to the final lap, I made a pass on him for the lead. I sprinted the final lap as hard as I could, but midway through my belt temps were through the roof and was forced to back off. Cody made the pass in a long sandy straight and went on to win the race. I finished a close 2nd.
After the race however, gncc officials came to us and said that we were both being docked a position for taking a line that was more than 25’ from a course marker. We went with the officials to look at the line in question. It was a line just inside of the main rough line, however it was more than 25’. When we later measured it, I was 38’ from a course marker. Being docked a position seems like a steep penalty for being 13’ out of bounds, but we will accept it without question and move on to round 3.
The UXC1 drivers are responsible for setting the example for everyone, and GNCC needs to show that the rules will be enforced no matter how small the infraction.
As always, thank you for your support! This would not be possible without each and every one of you.