
Rider: Jonathan Jean

Snowmobile: Ski Doo Summit

Elka Product: Stage 5

Riding Spot: Whistler, BC

1622174_718909728130157_2070561567_nWhen did you start riding snowmobiles?

– I grew up riding with my dad in our hometown, Baie-Comeau, Quebec. I was about 8 years old when we moved to Montreal and he sold the sled. The passion for the sport never left, let’s call it a minor set back ;)

How did you get into Back Country riding?

– In 2000 my family moved to Langley, British Columbia. I was 14 at the time and I loved snowboarding. It had always been a dream of mine to snowboard in the mountains of BC. After snowboarding mainly in Whistler for a couple seasons, I was looking for a way to access the untouched powder in the backcountry. At 22 years old I bought my first sled. I brought my snowboard with me twice and never ended up riding it because I was having way too much fun on the sled. The snowboard has been collecting dust ever since.

1620530_718909844796812_1745086208_nWhat’s the best feeling in freeride?

– That’s a hard question for me to answer because there are so many things I love about it. We are so spoiled here in BC, the snow gets really deep and the terrain is just amazing. Ever since I took my first powder turn with snow flying over my head I have been hooked. I have always been a bit of an adrenaline junky and there’s no better way to get the adrenaline pumping then catching air on a sled. Sleds allow me to get to beautiful places most people never get a chance to see and experience. To me that’s all very special.

What inspires you to keep pushing in your sport?

– I like seeing what I am capable of. I’m always trying to out do myself, get nicer pictures, make better video edits. There are so many great riders out here in BC and anytime I can get out with likeminded people and watch them in action it motivates me to keep progressing. Its always cool to see what line choices your buddies are making, sometimes things I would have never thought about doing go down and it inspire me to keep thinking outside the box.

What do you like about your Elka Stage 5?

1959975_718909774796819_297545691_n– The versatility. My Elka Stage 5 shocks improve handling in all conditions and are easy to adjust on the fly. I have been riding on Elkas for two seasons now and for me that means less mechanical issues and more importantly smoother landings.

When you are not riding how do you spend your time?

– I work for IRIS the visual group as an optician. When ‘m not at work I like to stay active, biking, kayaking, hiking, hunting ect. Anytime I am in nature I feel in my element.

Plans for next year?

– Tom Cepek and I are working on a West Coast Sledders website which we plan to have up and running by next season so we can document our adventures in the backcountry even better. I also want to do a couple of trips, check out different riding areas and ride with new people.

To follow Jon Jean and the West Coast Sledders adventures click Here