Mid West United States (07/21/2019) – For the hottest weekend of the year, Polaris RZR/Yokley Racing driver, John Barnes participated in a double header.
On Saturday, Barnes rode his Polaris RZR S 1000 in the IXCR in Milton, KY to a near win with mechanical issues towards the end of the day. Barnes went into the woods second and battled in the top three to go out in front on lap 2. He would hold the lead till the end of lap 4. Barnes commented, “We’ve added a turbo to the Polaris RZR S 1000. We keep finding the weakest link in the least ideal situation and time due to the extra power of the turbo. We were set to cruise to victory till the frame broke on the right rear, eventually losing the wheel.”

On Sunday, the team traveled northwest to the unusual town of Casey, IL following the AXCC series. Casey, IL is a world record kind of town. The world’s largest collection of the universe’s largest man made things is in this one small Illinois town. They have the world’s largest rocking chair, mailbox, pitch fork, shoes, golf tee, knitting needle, birdcage, and wind chime. Over the last ten years, a new Guinness World Record has popped up steadily year to year in Casey.
Minutes away, an AXCC national race was being held in 104 degree heat at the Lincoln Trail riding facility. At 1PM, the green flag dropped. Barnes took off from row 2 and powered his Polaris RZR XP Turbo through the dusty conditions. The team pushed pass half of row 1 in an effort to get to the front. Arriving in the top 5 by lap 3, Barnes had a difficult decision to make. His machine was overheating with temperatures at 240 degrees. Barnes commented, “I decided to not push the car, and we fell off the pace a bit. We wanted to stay within the top ten and was successful with that.” When the checker flag flew, Barnes finished seventh. A respectful finish on such a hot day with other teams dropping out like flies.
Overall, a great fun weekend taking in the sites and enjoying RZR life.